The PA Grand Canyon area offers ample opportunity for the observation of a wide variety of birds. Even the most passionate Auduboners will enjoy the wealth of birding areas.
From the Canyon overlooks you can often see birds of prey including our national symbol, the Bald Eagle, along with coopers, sharp-shinned and red tail hawks. Because of the variations within the species, and the various changes throughout the growth cycle, it is sometimes difficult to identify the immature of the species. You’ll also find warblers, thrushes, nuthatches, woodpeckers and tanagers, a host of Treetop and Woodland dwellers. Along the creek large flocks of cedar waxwing follow the fly hatches.
From the editor :
I've had the privilege of watching the reintroduction of the bald eagle into the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon area. It has taken decades to build up the local population, and although their sightings have become more common, I still get a thrill every time I see one. Once while I was fishing, a mature bald eagle spent the afternoon with me. He perched in a dead tree by the creek and watched me catch some trout. When I left, so did he.
The PA Grand Canyon Lake areas also offer some unique birding opportunities. The Eagle and the Osprey are there. Of course you'll find waterfowl, geese and ducks, also grebes, loons, swans and herons, and along shore you'll find sandpipers, dunlins, plover and killdeer. Now get out your field glasses and sort out a variety of sparrows, along with swallows, warblers, kinglets and some other lesser-sighted subjects ready to be discovered.
Another important birding area Is the Marsh Creek area, found just a few miles north of Wellsboro. This is a reclaimed Wetland area referred to as the “Muck”. The fertile 600 plus acre Marsh area filled with cattails provides an ideal environment for a variety of species. From approximately March through October birding enthusiasts may find bitterns, Sora rails, Virginia rails and Marsh wrens.